An extensive sub-surface drainage system has been installed at Hewett Sports Ground Shared Use Sports Hub at Coromandel Parade, Blackwood.

The upgrade, managed by the City of Mitcham, delivered by Urbans and funded via a Federal Community Development Grant, also includes a new irrigation system to ensure a green playing surface in warmer months. Council has also installed a new playground at the northern end of the oval made from 100 per cent recycled and recyclable material.

The latest work builds on a $1.5 million funding boost from State and Federal Government, Council and clubs to develop Hewett Sports Ground into a key recreational precinct. The precinct now includes new clubrooms, change rooms and storage facilities for tenant clubs Blackwood Tennis Club, Woods Panthers Netball Club, Coromandel Cricket Club and Sturt Lions Soccer Club, opened in 2020. Other recent additions include oval lights installed by City of Mitcham and tennis court lights funded by the Blackwood Tennis Club.


Work began in 2019 to build new clubrooms, change rooms and storage facilities for the tenant clubs Blackwood Tennis Club, Woods Panthers Netball Club, Coromandel Cricket Club and Sturt Lions Soccer Club at Hewett Sports Ground .

The City of Mitcham with funding support from the State Government, Federal Government and the clubs, is investing $1.5 million into developing Hewett Sports Ground into a key community recreational precinct.