Autumn leaf street sweeping program underway
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The Autumn leaf street sweeping program is underway and focuses on streets lined with deciduous trees. We aim to blow and sweep leaves on these roads and footpaths on a fortnightly basis for a ten week period, usually between the months of April to June. Delays in sweeping may be experienced due to weather and higher leaf falls.

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Need more information? If you are ready to apply for a grant or received a grant this page will provide you with all the answers to common questions as well as all the documents you need when you receive a grant.

Do you have questions about our grants?

You can read answers to common grant questions in our grant FAQ’s or download our Grant Policy

Make a general grants enquiry

Download the forms you need when you receive a grant

If you’re awarded funding from our grants program, you will need to complete a grant funding agreement and provide a tax invoice before you receive the grant.  If your incorporated body agrees to auspice a grant for an unincorporated group you will need complete the auspice form and if you don't have an ABN you will need to complete a Statement by a supplier form.

We can also help promote your program just complete our grant event details for promotional purposes form. Once you program is up and running, don’t forget to complete your evaluation report. You can’t apply for another grant until we’ve received and approved it.

If you are having troubles, please make a general grants enquiry